Systems Biology and Computational Biology

Computational Modeling of Biological Systems 


The Laboratory

We apply computational approaches to understand how complex phenotypes arise from individual molecules and their interactions. Our view is that computational methods are mandatory to tackle this challenge. The Computational Modeling of Biological Systems Lab proposes creating innovative models, techniques, and computational methods  using a systems biology approach. As a multicentric laboratory, our team includes researchers from several leading academic institutions.


Lines of Investigation

The laboratory has three main lines of investigation:
– Computational modeling of multi-drug resistant bacteria
– Computational modeling of cancer
– Large-scale analysis of biological and health data

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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)

Financial support, mainly through the INOVA-FIOCRUZ program

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Scholarships and international courses funding

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Financial Support

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National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC)

Access to the Santos Dumont supercomputer

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Scientific Computing Program at FIOCRUZ

The Scientific Computing Program (PROCC) at FIOCRUZ hosts this lab. The program develops and applies innovative mathematical and statistical methods in biosciences research

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Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Scholarship support through the Graduate Program on NanoBioSystems

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